Tuesday, August 14, 2007


the quilts!!!
yup, we just had the baby shower for Sarah and Mary.
It was a lovely night with lovely ladies and miss Ali shared her heart on what it's like to be a momma (she does have 4 children after all!)

Mary is expecting her first girl (second child) and Sarah is expecting her first baby, a little boy.
How exciting!!

So I actually knit Sarah's baby blanket in January when I was in consolidation, it is from the first stitch and bitch book, the pattern is the big bad baby blanket.
I found the wool in a little store on bank street, which i just recently heard has closed. the pattern took a significant amount of wool as you are knitting with 2 strands the whole way through. I had chosen some wool that i wasn't truly in love with, but the price was reasonable, but then lo and behold, just as i was about to pay i noticed a little bin of clearance wool beside the cash. the most beautiful and perfectly suited to miss sarah richer wool!For some reason it actually looks stripier in the picture than it does in reality. It looks like four panels, but really it is just one big piece.

this was my first big knitting project (well and really it was my third knitting project ever... toot toot!)

I decided to start adding tags to my pieces just in case i decide to start selling them, plus it gave me an excuse to make fun tags!
the tags say:
'K is for kate & krafts & kwilts'

And i made a cute little matching hat. oo baby baby!

this is a long blog entry... however, here is the quilt for Mary's baby girl

this pattern came from a book called quick kids quilts (actually where the rocketship quilt came from) the pattern was altered slightly with a few less birds stitched on)

so, those are the quilts, i am quite proud of them. i love them and i love to make them.

if anyone wants one made for a friend or for themselves, let me know, i have been thinking of trying to sell them.