Friday, September 11, 2009

Hello everyone!

Summer is over and I am back to school!
A little bit of a curve ball as I decided a week before classes started.
I am currently attending Schoo
l of the Word Canada, here in Ottawa, with 15 other lovely folks. And it is soooooo exciting. God really put this in my lap at the perfect time... but more on that later, I'm not quite ready to share this story with the blogging world.

As well as being sooo excited to be in school, I a
m very very very pleased to announce that I have opened an etsy shop!!


this has been almost a year in the making, with procrastination and worries and slacker attitude.

It is currently a little sparse, but I knew that I had to get something in there, or I would never do it. I have three quilts about to be quilted together that will be appearing in the shop sometime next week, and stay tuned for some tea cozies and some more coasters.

Also, I will be switching over to a new blog sometime in the near future. I'll let you know when that actually happens!

This year is a very exciting one, I have class all morning which gives me my afternoons to do studying and work on some crafty projects, and I have gone down to part time at the hospital, so I am able to work a little, but have it not interfere with school.

I am soooooo stoked for this year!!

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