Thursday, August 25, 2005

bon voyageee!

one time melissa brasnett and hayley turnbull said that i would say that whenever i was leaving. i do not remember saying this. but! i am off on an adventure with thom for the next two weeks. starting tomorrow!

we will head to the Calg. tomorrow evening, and then we shall rise early on saturday morning for my dad to take us on a hike up sulphur mountain (let me pause to say, is this not a kind of repulsive name for a mountain to have?) hmm, apparently, there is a species of butterflies called sulphur. perhaps what i mean is sulfur. anyway. then on sunday he wants us to hike up sunshine to help clean it up for the winter. i think we have been tricked, however there are folklore tales of men finding rolex watches and a kid finding a snowboard (how do you lose a snowboard may i ask?), and other such tales. so we shall see how are legs are feeling after saturday before we go on sunday.
then my mom wants me to do a pilates class with her (it looks as though this trip is going to be a marathon workout trip!). i will as per usual live it up in the lap by getting a massage and a haircut (if i am brave).
then comes the fun part..... thom and i driving back to ontario in my grandparents car!! hurrah! we will have a brief stop in saskatoon and melville ( i never thought that i would go to melville, but the lovely nancy jean shall be there doing her teaching internship and i do need to see that girl!). and from then on it shall simply be an adventure of kate and thom!

oh it will be a good way to end the summer.

also we get to see little ramona (who incidentily is not so little anymore and is starting her first year of highschool! -grade ten in alberta-)

so i am sure my mom has many nights of upwords and chai tea planned. lovely woman.


Monday, August 15, 2005

a new day

it's funny (well wonderful really) how God just knows how we are doing. And he just steps in with exactly what we need. i have been having a few weeks of hyper loneliness, you know the kind where you are in a room of people and you feel so alone it hurts, and you would way rather be by yourself because that kind of alone is not so lonely? ya, that is the one i have been having. anyway, i have been upset and angry and thomas has been getting the brunt end of that almost every other day for the past 2 weeks (thom = the most patient boy in the history of patient boys).
i have been not wanting to go to school, to move somewhere else.... i don't know what else. the first thing that God spoke to me was through thom (well maybe the first thing i finally listened to), that if i really was supposed to move, it would not be in a time of feeling like i hated where i was living. i think that we are not supposed to feel like we want to leave a place, but more like we are going somewhere else. Doesn't it make sense that if we leave a place when we are supposed to that it will be peaceful and that we will have some sadness about it, while having excitement about the new? like when i moved to ottawa.
the second thing that God did was on sunday morning while meeting with the church. todd was speaking on things that are going to be taking place in ottawa in the next few months and how we need to be prepared and rested. and all these tears kept leaking right out of my eyes. the kind that you could never stop. but by the end of the meeting the Holy Spirit had spoken right to me and my heart. it's time to take action, i can't just sit and be sad and expect things to change. i need to do something! but what we really learned was that we need to be doing it all while resting in Jesus. if i don't spend time with him, then i will start doing things in my own strength and that, my friends, is a set up for failure, for burnout and frustration. hence the situation i have been feeling that i am in.
but!! that doesn't mean that these feelings can disappear right away (though they very much could) but that i need to make sure that i am making that difference. that i am spending time every day praying, reading the word, listening to God, and also just spending fellowship with him throughout everything i do in my day. i'm going to be a better student, friend, daughter, sister, girlfriend, employee because of it!! HURRAH!!
all i know is that it is a little cloudy out today, but it looks brighter than any day from this entire month.
praise Jesus!

oh man, i am out.
