Friday, April 07, 2006


Hurrah! We are off on a retreat this weekend, almost the whole church and our brothers and sisters from Toronto and Kitchener, Waterloo. Oh it will be fun! However it is pouring rain today and that makes me a little bit sad, but I would rather be away at camp Iawah (with Steve Lapp no less!) with rain, than in ottawa with sun. But i believe that the sun will come out tomorrow! bet your bottom dollar they'll be sun! (what is a bottom dollar?).
The ladies will be studying a book called Divine Appointments by Larry Tomczak. I have not read all that I am supposed to but I can get that done on the way to the retreat. Thom and I get to go with Jon and Janie and Rhys, and Emma. I am very happy to spend time with them. a lovely little family and a lovely friend. Emma bought me my favourite sweater last spring when she saw it and thought of me.
I am deep in studying for my final, learning all about lots of mean illnesses that are ravaging on people. God can heal them.
I have been thinking about becoming a midwife. mostly so i can say midwifery. well not mostly. Mostly so i can witness the miracles of life day in and day out and help new mamas and their new babies and new papas.
My blood was taken to see if i have a Factor V Leiden deficiency like my dad. If i do it could cause some problems. But God is faithful and I am not worried.

I saw a beautiful (handsome?) red cardinal the other day. It sang me a tune and it made me think of Jillian Sue.

Love to you all this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for your wedding it is rediculous.
I am really happy to hear you've been praying for me. It must be working! I've never felt like this before. I've been talking to God and I know he's listening! I feel so much better after i've talked to him too! I've been going to church with Kyle lately aswell. I'm trying to make it consistant, but i've been away alot and such and such. I can't wait to see you in the summer.