Sunday, August 31, 2008

Simon's 1st Birthday!

so our lovely little next-door-baby turned one on August 19th.

simon is my special little man, as i was privileged to be at his birth a year ago.

we had a small little 'neighbours' party. sadly, ryan and sara were away, so it was ben and sarah and thom and i celebrating one year of life.

simon and 'auntie' kate

simon and 'uncle' thomas

simon and sarah; his mama

simon and sara; the mama, and benoit; the papa

Happy Birthday Simon!
you are a wonderful little man with a LOT of personality.
i look forward to another exciting year!

And thank you to Ben and Sarah for always including Thom and I your lives.
We love you all soooo much!

Friday, August 15, 2008

a whirrlwind

well, i am back from the whirlwind tour of campbellford and hamilton.
the lovely beth and pat are married, but i have no photos as most of the day was spent
watching as those two said their 'i dos' and then i worried about my speech until it
was over. hopefully i can snag a few once they get their actual photos back.
it was a truly lovely day

then off to hamilton for a baby shower for my cousin kelly.

this time i brought charlie with me to meet the fam.
here's rozzy and the little man

and here they are again with my auntie maureen and the big Charlie.
yes there are indeed 2 weenies named charlie in my family.
as you can see, big charlie is a standard dachshund and little charlie is a mini.
the were very happy to meet one another.
very happy indeed.