Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

Hurrah! first day and first post of the new year.

back in ottawa.
christmas with all the family was lovely. for some reason i took hardly any pictures. so not too many to show.

we had such a good time with my family and thom's family and i even got to sneak in a little visit with the Best's. that was very happy.

yesterday i spent half an hour scraping the ice off the Bright's car as i was picking Robyn up at the airport and no one had driven it since it rained buckets and then froze. there was half an inch of ice covering the entire car. i laughed throughout most of the process except when i thought i shattered the front light. but it turned out just to be the layer of ice shattering. phew.

Last night a whole bunch of us got together at Michelle's for new year's eve. I had joked all along that it would be a "games night" but nobody seemed to go along with that, yet somehow that is what it did turn out to be! i was happy as a clam.

a new year is such a nice thing. so many things happened this past year. what does God have in store for us this year? i think that it is really important to start off this year by praying. going through your Bible and pulling out the promises that God has for you.

This year i am believing in Acts 16:31-34 for my family.

But that really will be the beginning.

God's Spirit is upon me; he's chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, sent me to announce pardon to the prisoners and recovery of the sight to the blind, to set the burdened and battered free, to announce, "THIS IS GOD'S YEAR TO ACT!!!'
-Luke 4:18-19 (the Message - emphasis mine)


Cameron said...

Although the age old adage would claim that there...
'Ain't no party like an S Club Party'
There really is no way to beat a games nights!
(although a Beach Boys Cover band in Cardiff Wales is close)

katevp-a said...

cam i don't doubt it.

we missed you this christmas but i am sure that you are having a great time.

Todd said...

Nice Kate..Stumbled onto your blog. It's going to be a great year..!