Friday, March 31, 2006

in the beauty of your majesty

I love my patients. ummm, not in an unprofessional way, i just love them. I have never really enjoyed my long term care placements, or working with chronic care patients until this year. i just feel God's heart for these people. They have worked hard, they are from all over the world; lithuania, pakistan, germany, they have lived full lives, and some have lived hard lives, regardless of what they've been through, they do not deserve to be treated poorly or be brushed off because "it's annoying that they cannot get up to the washroom" or rang their call bell for umpteenth time. It breaks my heart to see the way that some of these patients are treated. And they are not necessarily treated badly, the nursing care is very good, very very good. But there seems to be a lack of respect for the "old" elderly. I love them, i love to listen to their lives, and i love that as a student i have the time to do that. I pray Lord, that there will be enough nurses in the future for there to be time to spend listening to our patients.
Oh that is the cry of my heart!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

it's spring and "i'm a mountain" is the soundtrack

Thomas and I had a spent a most lovely evening with Ben and Maryann yesterday. It made me sad to realize that we will not have them to truly talk to for 10 months when they head off to school of the word, but we are so excited for them and all that they will learn, and how they will grow, and what God will be doing! We are also getting more and more excited for our big day, and our wonderful step into partnership in the Kingdom, and what God will be using us to do next year. We are excited to have our own place (which we are still looking for!), and being able to have people into our home.
Sunday was a fantastic time in the presence of God, meeting with his people. We just let God refresh us, we were told that it was time to drink, and that we weren't going to just talk about it, but to actually do that. And it was wonderful.
I have been learning about praising God in all circumstances, not just when things are going awesome. To be able to love him and adore him and worship him despite what I may think, or feel or what my circumstances may look like (or what they've looked like in the past). If God is for me than who can be against me.
Also, I am definately looking forward to moving out of this teeny tiny apartment, where right now I can hear the guy below me yelling at his computer game over and over. It becomes a little tedious. He is very loud.
Today I will write part of an essay, and try and find a corner rounder craft punch
and then maybe work on some invitation stuff, oh and my careplan of course.
The sun is shining, it is supposed to be +12 and hopefully I will see the lovely miss Keene.

what do we say when we're leaving?
"we don't say posse out" - Niklas


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

busy bee.

right away that title made me think of best in show. anyway, that is besides the point. today is the first day i feel like i have a little bit of time to spare. last week was craziness! i worked more than usual, i had a groupd project to work on, i had morning clinical which means catching the bus at 6 am, ouch. and it was just a lot with still planning wedding stuff and also we have begun the apartment hunt, which shall be fun, we are very excited to have our own little place! Hurrah!
thom seems to have the flu, which is not very nice. yesterday was more group project. today i will finish the power point and then start studying for my last midterm.

we had an AWESOME weekend! Sunday was filled with many meetings and woah. when God shows up, HE SHOWS UP!!! we spent some time singing and praying in tongues, all of us singins our own songs to God, which started from the song Great is our God.
"Great is our God, sing with me now
Great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God!"
and God started speaking. He spoke to me about having faith in the desires that he placed in my heart. Believeing that they will come to pass no matter what people may tell me. Don't start making different plans because of adversity! God is bigger than any university. So CHEO, here i come.
Also, Robyn prophesied this: why not give everything to me? why not give everything to me?

exactly. it got me thinking about everything really, what in my life do i hold on to and not just trust God? or even, what do i do or watch or see or say that i think doesn't really matter to God? hmm, because he wants every part of my life, not just the bits that i want to give to him, he wants every inch of me! new life means a new way of living, not changing parts of your old life. all is new.