Tuesday, March 14, 2006

busy bee.

right away that title made me think of best in show. anyway, that is besides the point. today is the first day i feel like i have a little bit of time to spare. last week was craziness! i worked more than usual, i had a groupd project to work on, i had morning clinical which means catching the bus at 6 am, ouch. and it was just a lot with still planning wedding stuff and also we have begun the apartment hunt, which shall be fun, we are very excited to have our own little place! Hurrah!
thom seems to have the flu, which is not very nice. yesterday was more group project. today i will finish the power point and then start studying for my last midterm.

we had an AWESOME weekend! Sunday was filled with many meetings and woah. when God shows up, HE SHOWS UP!!! we spent some time singing and praying in tongues, all of us singins our own songs to God, which started from the song Great is our God.
"Great is our God, sing with me now
Great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God!"
and God started speaking. He spoke to me about having faith in the desires that he placed in my heart. Believeing that they will come to pass no matter what people may tell me. Don't start making different plans because of adversity! God is bigger than any university. So CHEO, here i come.
Also, Robyn prophesied this: why not give everything to me? why not give everything to me?

exactly. it got me thinking about everything really, what in my life do i hold on to and not just trust God? or even, what do i do or watch or see or say that i think doesn't really matter to God? hmm, because he wants every part of my life, not just the bits that i want to give to him, he wants every inch of me! new life means a new way of living, not changing parts of your old life. all is new.

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