blech. today the weather is ghastly. it snowed snowed snowed overnight and then rained rained rained this morning. this is beth and i in a sad state after our swim today.
there was about a foot of slushy thick wet snow on the road and sidewalks. i cleverly wore my boots, beth in her runners. however i soon discovered that my faithful wellies have 2 cracks in my left (your right) boot.
this is now my second pair of boots busted in 2.5 years. what can i say. i wear them pretty much through all four seasons.
i am looking forward to the warmer weather that the weather network is promising for the end of the week.
goodbye faithful flower and heart rainboots. i loved you much.
No Kiddin -Hey?! They've busted!?! I saw a whole bunch of new ones in a store the other day and thought to myself... Ah now Kate would LOVE to find this particular shoe isle!
Call me and I will tell you where you can purchase (and quite cheaply!) some new lovely pair... -unless you already have!
(By the way it WAS TERRIBLE weather on that particular day -wasn't it!?! OY VEY! I got a soaker going to the corner taking Babs to her bus! Drat and double drat!)
(OH! And I like what you've done to the place here!) xo
xoxo Ali
(Hokey Dinah! LOL! That last comment wasn't a comment at all! It was a post on your blog! Sorry! LOL!!!!!)
(Snicker, snicker!)
Ali ;)
Oh no!!! Not the boots!! Is there a Kate without the boots. I do not know her!!!
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