Thursday, July 28, 2011

Small Style #8

Some weeks I get small style forgetful.

This was one of those weeks.

We are in the midst of preparing for my sister’s wedding this coming Saturday (can I get a woot woot!)

I really just need to remember to take pictures on Sunday.

Here is miss Isla, on this day we were hanging out with Steve and Sarah and their kids, Davith, Eva and Kai.

Apparently Isla loves berries.

She dove right in and made a huge mess while the twins daintily picked them out one by one.

But seriously, how could you resist a juicy berry face like this?

Swim diaper: Mother-ease

And as always we are linking up over here at Mama Loves Papa

(sidenote: isn’t that such a lovely blog name? Morgan is indeed lovely and if you haven’t checked out her blog yet, you definitely should!)

We’ll see if I can remember to take some photos of Isla at the wedding!


ps. Did you notice the berry bowl? It’s a cantaloupe! That Sarah, she is a good food genius. Check out her blog adventures here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

does anyone else ever find other people's grocery list's in their cart or basket?
Is anyone else as fascinated by them as I am?

here is one I found yesterday, word for word, on the back of a Scotia Bank envelope.

-lunch stuff (meat, bread/buns, snacks)
-cherries (if they're cheap)
-dry fruit for snacks

and yes, there was a little happy face beside cookies.
love it!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Small Style #7

it's been a bit of a crazy week around our home.

miss Isla started the week with a bit of a fever,
and after 36 hours of a moderate fever and the beginnings of a rash, off we went to the doctor.

turns out wee Isla has some kind of virus.
she's been a bit fussier than usual
and cutting a tooth at the same time probably doesn't help!

so because of the fever Isla spent a lot of time in either her diaper or her diaper shirt.
not a lot of stylin' going on this week

as you can see she is a little sweaty and a little grumpy... poor girl.

onesie: Carter's (consigned for $1 from Once Upon a Child in Hamilton!)

oh and did i mention that today it is 35 degrees celsius in Ottawa,
oh and actually feels like 47 because of the humidity, ya,
and it's been hot all week! (that really helps a fever, huh?)

and we're linking up here with Morgan of Mama Loves Papa.

I am happy to report that Isla has been fever-less for the past 24 hours
and is a bit more like her usual carefree self.

She's even learned to knock over block towers that her Daddy builds :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

it's not fair.

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to organize, I love to repaint, and I love to move furniture around.

But anyone who comes into my home on a regular basis or has known me since Jr. High School can tell you that I am not a house (or room) cleaning machine.

I don't like cleaning and I don't like tidying.

I have been like this as long as I can remember. My room in high school would drive my dad crazy. I loved to make collages and you could guarantee that at least once a week you would hear my dad say: “pick up all these bits” and he always used to emphasize the bits in this crazy-I-can’t-understand-how-you-can-live-like-this kind of way.

One summer at camp after I had been there for a week my friend Laura came into my room and her comment was: “you’re a messy bugger, aren’t you?”

And it’s true, I can certainly make a mess better, easier and faster than most. Even my husband has watched in awe (and little bit of horror, I’m sure) as I have opened something new and the proceeded to throw the plastic wrap or box on the floor and walk away. (Am I five? No wait, we will teach our five year old not to do that.)

Now to be clear, it’s not like my home is like an episode of hoarders or anything, I do clean up if something spills, there aren’t dishes all around. I have always liked to say: “I am messy, but I’m not dirty”.

However, more recently, with a baby crawling around, I’ve started to realize that maybe this house is a little bit dirtier than I thought.

With a cat around, Isla often has fur coated hands, could this be avoided by more sweeping and mopping? I have more likely chalked it up to Olivia shedding so much.

Could our kitchen look tidier if we washed a few dishes a day? I have more likely looked at the problem as more the fact that we should find a place with a dishwasher.

Would my desk be easier to work on if I put things away instead of just piling more things on top? I have convinced myself that I prefer the kitchen table.

And would it be much easier to get dressed in the morning and make our bedroom seem more calm and peaceful, if there wasn’t a clothes carpet*? Maybe I like a clothes carpet.

I can’t say that this is all me, Thom definitely contributes, but I think that it is more me causing him to give up. Oh boo.

So what is up with all this?

I think that I may have figured out some part of it.

Yesterday I was hanging out with Maryann and Melissa, my friends who are sisters. (or sisters who are my friends?) Melissa was visiting Maryann with her husband and her kids Cole and Amelia. Cole is about 2 and half years old. And Melissa made a comment that he doesn’t understand what fair means. When you tell him to stop doing something dangerous, or when he needs to come inside now, or share that toy, he says: “it’s not fair”. Melissa commented that really it is fair, it’s just not fun.

When I got home I was looking at our house and thought: “it’s not fair, I don’t want to have to clean up”.


It’s fair, it’s just not fun.

*clothes carpet: a term that I have coined about the layer of clothes that I walk on to get to my bed... shaking my head in disgrace.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Small Style #6

stylin' Isla strikes again!

while we were in Hamilton, we went on a little trip to Burlington and Isla tried out the swing for the first time.
she didn't really like it.
it was also very sunny.

hat: Old Navy
shirt: Carter's-consigned
pants: GapsKids
soo: Mam (she doesn't usually have it in all the time, but somehow i forgot to take it out post-nap)

we really had a lovely time on our little vacay to the south (of Ontario).
lots of visiting with family and friends, we even got to visit with Melissa and Amelia (they are the ones who brought us to this park).
If you haven't checked out Melissa's blog before, you should!
she has some seriously HA-larious stories.
how can so many random things happen to one lady? you will laugh out loud.

and we are linking up here with Morgan at Mama Loves Papa

Saturday, July 09, 2011

5 years later

Yesterday Thom and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary!
I can hardly believe 5 years have gone by already,
it certainly has been a very fun and love-filled 5 years.

isn't it fun to look back over the years and remember where you were, and who you were at those times?
I love to think of how far we have grown as individuals, and as a couple, and as a family!

we've always found that our anniversary is a good time to take stock of the past year
and set out our goals for the next one.

We have some plans for the next little while, which will slowly unfold,
and we are always excited to see what God has in store for us each year.

Happy Anniversary Thomas!
I couldn't have dreamed of a better man to match me as woman.
I love you!!

xo, Kate

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Small Style #5

yay! it's that time of the week again

I was away last week, Isla and I drove down to visit my mom with my sister,
we spent the week and then Isla and I headed up to the cottage with my mom and we met Thom there and spent the Canada Day long weekend there. The weather was perfect!

I meant to have a post mid-week, but it did not happen. Isla and I were too busy lovin' summer livin'!

there were a few cute outfits last week, so I am going to share a few of them :)

here's Isla stylin' at her Auntie Danielle's Bridal Shower

dress, shorts, hairbow: , a gift from her Grand Auntie Pat
shoes: Gap Kids

here she is celebrating Canada's Birthday

shirt: Joe Fresh
pants: George
hat: Joe Fresh

And finally here is miss Isla in the boat,
she didn't seem thrilled about her first boat ride, but I think it was more due to the life jacket than the boat itself,
poor girl could hardly move in that thing!

shirt: The Children's Place (consignment for a $1!)
hat: Joe Fresh
life jacket: Roots
quilt: made by me for Thom when we were still dating

We sure do love keeping track of all these outfits.
And as we are loving being able to link up with the one who started it all: Mama Loves Papa

We had a great week away but are sure glad to be back home!

I am working on a wee ways of life post and I am about half done, so that will be up before the weekend.