Thursday, June 30, 2011

Small Style #4

Here we are on another Thursday already!

this was us last Monday, just spending a little quiet day at home.

Isla is finally fitting into some of her shorts,
but mostly just because her cloth diapers are holding them up, that girl has a teeny tiny waist!

showing off those 2 teeth!

spending some time with Olivia

isn't it nice that while Isla refuses to breastfeed, she still likes to use the nursing pillow?

shirt-Petit Lem, thrifted
shorts-Cherokee, same ones as last week
diaper-thirsties cover, bummis insert

and as always we are linking up with the lovely Morgan of Mama Loves Papa

1 comment:

Morgan said...

What a sweetheart! Isla is too cute! I love all of your her expressions. :)