Tuesday, September 20, 2011


the week at Young House Love, they are celebrating a 4 year blogiversary.  
suddenly I thought to myself, hey wait, how long have I had this ol' blog, and when is my exact blogiversary?

turns out it's this Friday!!

And it will have been seven years...
huh? wait? what?

that's right folks. SEVEN YEARS!

a lot of people I knew were blogging, but it seemed that most people didn't make it past the first year.
in fact I recently had someone from that blogging bandwagon say to me: "wow, people still blog?"

blogging for me started as a way to keep in touch with my saskatoon peeps.
now it is a fun therapeutic kind of thing.
where will blogging lead? we will have to wait and see.


since this little ol' blog is turning seven, I thought that I would have a little giveaway.

so come back on Friday to enter a little contest for the big day!!

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