Sunday, October 09, 2011

a year ago...

a year ago today we were waiting for miss Isla, 
we thought she would be early because the 3 other little ladies due in October came early 
(real scientific I know!)

little did we know that she would actually come three and a half weeks later!

we were at a wedding for friends of ours,
and our friend Noah took some impromptu maternity photos for us
(thanks Noah!)

it sure is fun to think about where we were then, 
we had no idea how wonderful we would find parenthood.
that our little Isla would be a lovely and sweet baby and make it a very easy transition into being parents.
that I would truly feel like I have found exactly what I was meant to do with my life.
it truly is amazing and wonderful (and truthfully a little overwhelming at times) the love I feel for Isla.

I also cannot believe that her first year of life has almost come to it's fulfillment.


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