i made it up to 38, which considering i was pregnant, had a 2 year old, and a new baby, is pretty impressive i think!
I am almost done another one, but considering today it the 31st, i don't think i can make it to an even 40.
i could maybe make 39 by the end of tonight, but it would be pretty near impossible, so i'm happy with 38.
my friend Stuart made a resolution last year to read a book a week (or 52 books in the whole year... i don't think it actually has to be one a week)
i'm not sure i'm going to be able to make it to 52 this year (still have a 3 year old and a fairly newish baby after all!)
but i'm going to make it my goal to get to 40 books this year.
i'll keep track in the side bar again like i did this year :)
my top picks from this year:
The Parenting Book by Nicky and Sila Lee
Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst
Fire in the Bones: Bill Mason and the Canadian Canoeing Tradition by James Raffan
it's funny to me that these are all non-fiction books, because generally my favourites are always fiction.
i guess it was a different kind of year :)
Here is my full list from 2012:
1-Elizabeth I
2-The Virgin Cure
3-Because of Winn-Dixie
4-Owls in the Family
5-Anne of Ingleside
6-The Parenting Book
7-The Making of a Nurse
8-Fire in the Bones
9-Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
10-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
11-Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
12-Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
13-Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
14-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
15-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
16-Death Comes to Pemberly
16-Death Comes to Pemberly
17-All Creatures Wise and Wonderful
18-All Creatures Bright and Beautiful
19-The Magicians of Caprona
20-Witch Week
21-The Lives of Christopher Chant
22-Mixed Magics: Four Tales of Chrestomanci
23-The Night Shift
24-Little House in the Big Woods
25-Howl's Moving Castle
26-Fantastic Mr. Fox
27-Charmed Life
28-No One is Here Except All of Us
29-Five Bells
30-A Recipe for Bees
31-Conrad's Fate
32-The Pinhoe Egg
33-The Gilly Salt Sisters
35-Heaven at Home: Establishing and Enjoying a Peaceful Home
36-Young House Love: 243 Ways to Paint, Craft, Update & Show Your Home Some Love
37-Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions
38-The Snow Girl