Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Day 1: a self-portrait

so, here I am.
this is me today
at the end of a fairly ordinary day.

hanging with Isla at home in the morn,
and in the afternoon - a trip to get our passport photos done, 
then to walmart, also a stop at work to drop off some necessary documents.

but the fact is, it didn't feel all that ordinary.
today is my last full-time day at home with Isla.

tomorrow I am off to work, and she is off to daycare.
it is the end of one thing, and the beginning of another.
(endings and beginnings often work like that don't they?)

but as you may be able to tell by the photo, I am still at peace.
complete and utter divine peace.


So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

-I am joining in on so fawned's 30 Days Hath November-


Anonymous said...

Good job girly - go forth and be awesome!

Ben said...

Yay Kate! That utter divine peace is such a good testimony of God's love. Mary