Saturday, November 05, 2011

Day 5: three years ago today

i really can't even think a little bit about what was going on three years ago today 
(my google search provided me with the fact that Obama just won!)
i really have a terrible memory for the everyday, 
i can barely remember anything from before grade 8, besides random isolated events.

so i decided to go with 1 year ago today.

it's crazy to think that only a year ago today, miss Isla Beth was only 3 days old.

we would have come home from the hospital the day before, 
and on this day, Isla had her first outing from home.
we were off to the doctor for her 3 day check.
(Isla also had not had a recorded pee at this point, a little worrying, but we probably just missed one)

everything was new and tiring and exciting and tiring and a little bit tender 
(moms, you get me on this one!)

isn't she lovely?

i truly am in awe that she has only been here for a year (and three days!)
little ones pretty much change everything :)
in the best ways!

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

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