Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 29: some place i'd like to visit

the place i'd like to visit is not a city or country (though you can find it in a big city)
the place that i'd like to visit is Purl Soho.

I have been a reader of the Purl Bee for a long time, but somehow i failed to realize that they had an actual store until they moved from their 2 locations (fabric and wool) into their new big location.  
i love going into fabricland and the various quilt stores we have in Ottawa, but Purl Soho seems absolutely swoon-worthy!

Purl Soho is located in the Big Apple.
Which just so happens to be where Blogher'12 is happening next summer.

funny enough, today when i checked Desiree's blog
the Fawn behind this whole 30 days hath November,
she has New York as her place that she would like to go.

she plans on heading to New York in the summer for Blogher :)

i would love to head to Blogher myself, but i think we may have a few things going on next summer.

what looks amazing about Purl Soho to me:
all the colours, and all the textures, just all that plain old happiness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I follow purl soho too! Would love to step inside that shop with ya. ~ nico